Why taking a vacation is good for you … and your employer

By: Erika Friedlander


I recently just returned from a two-week vacation during which my mom and I – in full Thelma-and-Louise fashion (spoiler alert: minus the bad ending) – road tripped our way along the beautiful Croatian coastline. It was not until about the end of the first week that I decided to just stop checking my work emails, unplug and relax.


For many professionals, lengthy vacations can be few and far between. Timing, resources, or any number of factors prevent folks from taking a much-needed mental health break. Often times, even when we take short trips, we don’t fully allow ourselves to let go of our stress but instead carry the problems of our workplace around with us. So why make the effort to make your vacation a priority?


When I started looking into this question, I came across a 2012 article published in a monthly magazine that showed statistics that proved even taking just a short break in your workday helps improve overall concentration. Imagine then, the article posits, what an even longer break could do for job performance in terms of increased concentration, motivation and productivity?


Statistics aside, I personally feel that I am far more productive when I have recharged my metaphorical batteries. In fact, after a long vacation I often feel energized to go back to work and complete those long-standing projects that have been sitting in my inbox or to delve into that complex research project. This renewed sense of energy is not only good for me, but it is good for my boss and my client. So, do yourself a favor and take a vacation already.